Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Conversation - Short Film


Philly said...

I left a comment on the vid file on youtube, but I wanted to state here how much I liked it because I don't know if you're the poster. Um, cut/paste is my friend:
That was really good. The beginning was beautiful. So, what was this for her? Absolution for her wrongs? In the dawn of a new day the tide washed her clean of her sins? Like a baptismal of sorts. Does the student now become the teacher? In a little over 6 mins. You captured my attention and left me wanting to know more about the characters. That's not something very easily done with me. Impressive.

AH said...

Thanks Philly! This was a student film project.

I actually did read your youtube comment and felt you really understood the short. Thanks again for your comments!